On this page I have set out our Clinic Policies for public reference. In doing so we never wish to be officious in any way but feel it is important that we set these out clearly and make these readily accessible for clarity and fairness.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me should you require further clarification of any aspect of the policies detailed below.


i.    For all new bookings a Booking Deposit is required in order to secure a diary slot. The Booking Deposit is paid using card details over the phone.

ii.   Please note that if you are using a card which is not registered in your name we will need to speak directly with or receive confirmation from the registered cardholder in order to process the deposit.

iii.    If you need to reschedule or cancel your booking please provide at least 48hrs notice or the Booking Deposit will be lost.


i.    Please provide at least 48 hours’ notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your booked appointment. This helps us to manage our schedule and offer your slot to another waiting client.

ii.    Equally, if we are ever in the position of needing to change your booking (for example due to our illness or delay), we promise to give you at least 48 hours’ notice of this wherever possible.


​i.    Your time is important and so is ours. When you book an appointment with us, we commit to having enough time to devote to your care and attention.

ii.    We promise to honour our appointments and make every effort to run our busy clinical days to time so that you will not be kept waiting. If we are ever running late we will make every effort to communicate this to you in advance.

iii.    For your first visit it is always a good idea to arrive 5-10 minutes early if possible to allow time to complete treatment forms and so that we can maximise consultation discussion/treatment time with you.

iv.    We reserve the right to request a Booking Deposit from existing clients at busy times of the year and for those who have arrived late or failed to show for appointments previously. This will work in the same way as detailed in the Booking Deposit Policy above.

v.   Should you fail to arrive for your appointment, or arrive late so that you miss your allocated diary slot and we have insufficient time remaining to dedicate to you, then the appointment will need to be rescheduled. In either situation that appointment will be treated as a ‘No-Show’ and any booking deposit taken for the missed appointment will be lost.


Purpose of Follow-Up and Cost Involved:

i.    We are not obliged to provide a Follow-Up (review) appointment following a toxin procedure but believe it to be best practice, and we therefore offer a Follow-Up appointment as a matter of course.

​ii.    When you visit us for a toxin procedure we are writing an individual prescription for your face so we want to see you to help ensure that we have your prescription right.

iii.    When you have your first toxin procedure with us, we make every effort to diary a Follow-Up at the time.

iv.    Many patients have been loyally attending our clinics for years, and some seek us out when moving back into the locality because they say the Follow-Up is particularly appreciated. It is not necessarily free from cost. You will be advised where there is an additional cost so fairness ensues for both parties.

Timeframe for Follow-Up:

i.    The window for Follow-Up for toxin is c. 2 – 3 weeks post-procedure i.e. once the toxin has optimal effect.

ii.    After many visits some patients do not want a Follow-Up scheduled but contact us if they feel it is needed. That is fine too and works well, provided it is in the 2 – 3 weeks window.

iii.    If, after your first visit to us for a toxin procedure, more toxin is required (i.e. at your first Follow-Up appointment) then this may be included in the price that you paid for the original procedure.

iv.    Please note that subsequent Follow-Up appointments are not offered. This means that, if, after attending a Follow-Up, you believe that you require more toxin; that must then be prescribed for the next procedure, not for a subsequent Follow-Up

v.    Please note that we cannot offer Follow-Up past the 3 week point as we do not want to run any risk of a patient building up a resistance to the toxin treatment beyond the window for re-treatment.

vi.    Equally we may not be able to offer an earlier Follow-Up before 2 – 3 weeks since it simply may not be an appropriate time to review.


i.    We strive to achieve the highest standards and best results for our clients at all times. We welcome, and learn from, all feedback and comments from clients whether positive or negative.

ii.    If you wish to discuss any aspect, or are at all dissatisfied with, any aspect of your treatment or experience with us, please call us and speak with the Emma Graham as soon as you feel an issue has arisen, in the first instance.

iii.    Should we need to check any facts or consider options we will let you know this and we will endeavour to get back to you within 14 days. If we cannot get back to you within that timeframe for some reason, we will let you know a clear time/date by which you can expect to have a response from us.

iv.    Please be aware that we may need to see you in person to assess and discuss with you to resolve any issue so please be prepared to make time for this. ​
